About ID Career

Fitrie Arianti


Welcome To Our Company

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    Indonesia is currently facing the era that the movement of natural resources, human resources, technology, capital and other resources can move from one country to another without strict restrictions

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    Strengthening the quality of Indonesia's human resources is a step that must be taken in facing this era. Improvement of human resources from the universities in Indonesia needs to be done

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    ID CAREER a company founded by CEOs and career experts, focusing on Human Resources Development program, provides a comprehensive, systemic, measurable and sustainable human resource development program in delivering High Performing Talent so that they can make their best contribution to the job market

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    We do our services very professionally and effectively supported by modern technology infrastructure



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    ID CAREER is a leading company committed to deliver innovative solutions in Human Resource Development. ID CAREer provides an integrated platform that connects education world with job market in job preparation and job recruitment activities

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    With direct connection concept between job seekers and companies, ID CAREER has the goal of increasing and strengthening the skills and performance of college graduates to match the needs of the world of work, as well as bringing together users from the job market and job seekers effectively and efficiently

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    With job commerce concept, job seekers and companies can communicate and interact directly, so companies can easily get the great talents that match the competencies needed in their companies


And Mission


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    Become the leading Human Development Center in Indonesia in preparing and strengthening the competence and skills of young generation to enter the job market and bring together job seekers and users from the world of work effectively and efficiently


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    Preparing young generation to have the performance, competence, character and various skills needed with fun learning concept to enter the job market through offline and online sharing sessions, seminars, training and career counseling activities

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    Serve as a meeting place for job seekers and users from the job market in labor recruitment activities through job commerce features, virtual and offline job fairs


Bussiness Concept

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    Ease of interaction between job seekers and companies in job preparation and job recruitment activities

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    Disclosure of information between job seekers and companies

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    Job recruitment system that is fun, easy, cheap, fast and precise based on job commerce concept

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