Star Talents

Amira Jasmine Nugraha

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)


Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Tri Ayu Retnaningsih

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)


Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Gusti Ayunda Pratiwi

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Agung Ikhsan Setiawan

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Raka Rifqi Ichsananta

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)


Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Habiba Shafira Fitri Ma'rifa

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Muhammad Sholikhul Huda

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

Sri Rezki Stefani

Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)


Active Ready to Work

Female, Graduated in Law, Has interests in national companies such as BUMN, BUMD, Banking, or a stable companies, with the field of Account Manager role (relevant to her work experience in PT Telkom as a Team Leader)

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